I had been interpreting closing the gates to mean that nothing could come out. Usually I've been considering it fair when people go in, unless crossroad deals are more shady and more popular than previously understood.
They made enough of a point of it being Crowley and him not having given terms that I hope it isn't dropped. For all this is the simplifying season, there are a lot of balls in the air as the back half gets going.
And if the gates to heaven get closed, does that mean all the dead stay here? Even when salted and burnt?
When's the next hiatus? I need to brace myself.
So this is sneak peek, not the preview after the episode like I'd thought when I clicked on it. It's an encounter with the doberman in the car that turns into a woman in the preview.
And, dear lord, she fine. I need to work out her name.
I missed the preview last night, but I saw the sneak peek. LOVE.
I'm way curious.
I'm now reading so many DEAN TURNED A HOT WOMAN DOWN, GUYZZZ! posts that...you know what? If the CW had a bisexual lead character in season 8 of their longest running show, that would be
as cool as fucking shit.
But I feel people are grabbing onto all this evidence so excitedly when I think we don't have it. We do have enough room to put a lens on it and spin it bi!Dean, but that's incredibly not the same thing.
So while this post is adamant that Aaron and Ellie have a huge point that's coming up, she's ignoring the fact that just because a TV show is a joint effort over a large amount of time by a large amount of people, not everything does actually mean things as simply as if someone had written a book (and those are never misinterpreted, no, not ever--no one has mistaken decor for Chekov's gun or vice versa).
Listening to Tim talk about writing and directing (and Colin about acting and directing) has forever put me in the arena of "I hope they got their point across" but I have no more than little frissons of hope. Because sometimes, that's the only take that worked. Or they cut for time, or...or...or...or Jeremy thinks he's telling a different story from the one you think you're watching.
Yes, if Dean were bi it would be the BEST THING EVER, and that's not from a shipping point of view, just a visibility point of view. But I maintain that we can't possibly
these breadcrumbs (or M&Ms) that have been laid out in a trail until we've covered all the territory.
Okay, so people thought that Dean would, in the middle of hunting for that hellhound, would stop and have sex?
Because it didn't seem weird to me that he'd turn it down. do they think if one of the guys had propositioned him it would be a different story?
Two things: 1, that he didn't turn it down the way he would have earlier in the series, and 2, why include this scene (and have Aaron hit on him last week) in the first place?
That's not really a big neon sign flashing QUEER, but some people live in eternal hope, I guess.
Like, seriously:
If they don’t make Destiel canon I’ll be fucking angry. Because what’s the fucking point of all this, what do we see now?
I had my share of craxy in the Stargate fandom. I like it here, thankyouverymuch.
I hate when it's people on a show I like shipping a ship I enjoy, and I need to run screaming.
I already left the entire Teen Wolf fandom because I could not deal. This is my fandom. Stop ruining it!
I mean, when we can all sit around and agree to enjoy things like this, why get stupidly partisan about
fer gods sake?
Oh, that was freaky but I love that he knew she was seeing something horrifying.
The Dean who stops to fuck when he's waiting on a hellhound is not a Dean I can get behind, honestly. And he was clearly exasperated, like not now! There's this thing I have to kill, but later, oh yeah, we're totally doing it.