If he was bi and not interested, he would have treated him the way that Dean treats girls he's not interested in.
The difference for me, though, is that he has casually brushed guys off before. He's done the "don't swing that way" bit more than once. He's never looked flattered, or been thrown off his game in any way, and he never continued a conversation which had nothing to do with the case.
That's why, although I know it's not in the text, I can quite easily lay "Oh, no! He'd kill me--that's nice, but I totally can't." onto it with a side of "Fucker could really have returned my calls, though...I don't really need to end this conversation right away." and the cherry on top of "Well, I've mentioned gay to Sam. That's a start."
Later on, when Dean asked "so we didn't have a thing", it was because he's a vain little poppet and wants to be wanted
And that's also new too, despite interpreting men coming on to him before. However, I totally and absolutely didn't feel vanity off that--I mean, I was worried they were going to make him hypocritically heterosexually defensive and I didn't feel that at all. Dean knows he's gorgeous. He's not insecure about bar hookups in my read of his personality at all. Anyone who doesn't have a "thing" with him based on just having seen him breeze through is the loser in his equation. He is, after all 'adorable'.
Please note this does not extend to relationships or really liking someone--that's where his insecurity lies in my interpretation of his character.
Amy - I'd be happy to...test...your bundles.
As for Dean and music, we have tons of overlap, so it isn't so much as me picking the music, but me appreciating his music. And...everything else.
I don't dislike any of Dean's music, to be clear.
I just haven't heard of much of it.
If he's naked, I DON'T CARE.
I just saw the question "I wonder if he's wearing anything under that robe" and boom! Instant inability to rewatch that scene for plot or characterisation.
I'm also seeing people saying that Show lacks subtlety, to which I'd like to say "Yes, literal key and other things" but also "PTSD and alcoholism?" I do love how PTSD has never been called out, and alcoholism took
to be mentioned, but was clearly in effect (and has gone back to "that's a lot, dude, but apparently you're functional, so....").
I'm not saying that whatever point they're talking about could be subtly handled or not. Just that some have, so be fair.
I've heard Sam use "son-of-a-bitch" in the derogatory, but very seldom if ever in an exclamation.
It's almost absurd how much I enjoyed it.
Sits by Amy. I think I've re-watched it 4 times already. I need help.
I love when you're surfing a site or a blog or a tumblr for completely unrelated reasons, and then you hit a crying Dean image, or robo!Sam, or absolutely anything that reminds you that while clearly there are vast tracts of internet that don't give a fuck, l connectedness still abounds.
Can anyone identify the actor who played the Golem? IMDB is giving me no love.
Whoever he is, he could totally play Archer's Goon (Diana Wynn Jones story)
John DeSantis, quester.
They showed a lot of Orthodox Jews on Blue Bloods and my first reaction is "bet you aren't going to be as funny as Wednesday!" and...so appropriate...
They showed a lot of Orthodox Jews on Blue Bloods and my first reaction is "bet you aren't going to be as funny as Wednesday!"
Well, to be fair, they didn't have any golems on Blue Bloods either.
I would totally watch the spinoff series with Aaron and the Golem.
Possibly with as much glee as I would've watched the Bobby and Rufus show.