I'm starting to see the other interpretation more, but my initial one was that it was the key in the sense of a problem more than a door.
We shall see.
If you look at this fanart [link] what do you expect to be written in the Dean, Cas, and Bobby versions?
I know it's me forcing setness on them, but they don't match!
Dean would be "Bitch," Bobby would be "Idjit," and Cas would be ... I don't know. "Assbutt," I guess? If they're going for one word, anyway.
I'd thought key like Rosetta Stone.
I find this SO AMUSING.
Like, I wish I could afford it, so I could combine two obsessions in one.
Oh, I want that. Very cool find.
Dean would be "Bitch," Bobby would be "Idjit," and Cas would be ... I don't know. "Assbutt," I guess? If they're going for one word, anyway.
See, Dean is "Son of a bitch". Bobby and Cas are what you imagine, which means three of them are the epithet that's associated with them
because it stands out when they use it
and Sam is "Jerk" because he said it to Dean twice. Bitch-Jerk is not the same thing!
Being bothered by this is trivial. Yet? Mmhmm.
I cannot find a 2013 calendar! Not for new prices (about $13) and there are even used ones being sold for over $50. That's rubbish. I'm disappointed the place I ordered mine from went out of stock after I placed my order (fuckers).
I'm ashamed to say I've never had a SPN calendar. And the calendar I grabbed this year impulsively is ... cats in yoga poses.
I know.
I actually looked at a Hobbit calendar and said no, I'd get SPN again (last year was great!), but...nothing.
I saw someone listing one for $2499.99 on ebay OBO. So I best offered $12.50 because I was in a pissy mood.
Also, there is a place where they can throw it from where it will never be retrieved--that's what they have the coordinates to, right?
That's my understanding. And I was also thinking metaphorical key - I like the Rosetta Stone analogy.
This is a show where the Devil's Gate was a literal door in a mausoleum, so I assumed there would be an actual room somewhere, possibly in an Indian Jones-style booby trapped temple.
Also, there is a place where they can throw it from where it will never be retrieved--that's what they have the coordinates to, right?
Didn't anyone else see Laura Croft and the Cradle of Life? Where she had the Super Seekrit Box (Pandora's Box) and had to throw it in the one specific location where no one would ever be able to locate it again? (or they'd dissolve into skeletons if they tried to touch it). That's what I kept thinking of when they were talking about putting the key in a secret location.