I... I...
I am having trouble breathing. You know when the laugh is just kind of a pant, because you can't quite believe what you saw?
It doesn't help that regularly watch Joel McHale doing Braveheart!William Wallace on YouTube (it's a nostalgia thing, he's a local boy, I can't explain), and so even before the FUCKING DEDICATION, I was rolling from OUR FREEDOM!
Also: "Call me, maybe?" But, I always found Charlie awesome.
Oh my goodness, I hyperventilated there at the end from laughter.
Wish Dean's previous trip to fairyland had been somehow referenced, though.
That would have been excellent.
Sneak Peek!
Rewatching. Additional moment of love - Dean telling Lance to "breathe, just breathe, you're fine". In the past I would have expected him to tell Lance to cut the tears or something like that.
Dean's probably had enough people tell him to quit his whining and suck it up over the years that saying it to anyone else is anathema.
"Your worshipfulness" is an Empire Strikes Back ref.
Yeah, see, I hope they do reveal that sneak peek guy's deal in promos, because that was the stupid thing I went and got spoiled for looking for a shot of Dean with the crown.
It's damned sad that I know "It's Good To Be King" from Stargate, huh?
Yeah, see, I hope they do reveal that sneak peek guy's deal in promos, because that was the stupid thing I went and got spoiled for looking for a shot of Dean with the crown.
More than they did on the Next Week preview that aired after the episode last night? Because they revealed his identity there.