She picked it up in 6x10 Caged Heat, in which she used it against hellhounds. After that she appeared in the following episodes:
- The Born-Again Identity
- Reading is Fundamental
- Survival of the Fittest
I specifically don't remember it in the first one--do you remember where you're seeing it? I don't want to go through all three if I don't have to.
Off topic, but something I saw on Tumblr and looked up a few days ago -- I saw someone asking how Castiel could find them with the sigils on their ribs, but I know in Hammer of the Gods, Sam asked Kali to "squeegee" them off. I guess we're supposed to assume she did that?
Okay--I checked. She doesn't use it against demons where the guys can see her, as far as I can tell. But I'm not watching it all now.
I guess we're supposed to assume she did that?
Dean's scar on his shoulder is gone, so I don't have to suppress any disbelief to get his ribs clean in the same operation (Swan Song). I fixed Sam coming out of the cage. Didn't consider Kali, since that was supposed to be a temporary thing to wave a red flag and bring the fight tot them, right?
I don't know why it would have been temporary, but sure. Your way works.
They still needed to hide in general in S5, didn't they? But they wanted to call Lucifer to ambush him, and so scrubbing Sam was how they were going to get him to come--they still needed to hide from Michael, so I assumed it wasn't going to be long term, even if they hadn't called him another way.
I specifically don't remember it in the first one--do you remember where you're seeing it? I don't want to go through all three if I don't have to.
She kills off Crowley's minions in "Reading is Fundamental."
That's what I was referring to when I said the boys haven't seen her do it. In a quick sweep I didn't see a fight with them around.
I'm glad they told me, because I sure didn't retain the information.
SHOW tonight!
::Kermit arms::