Supernatural 2: Why is it our job to save everybody?
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Forgoing the pithy punchy definitions, Rule 63=genderswap (did you see the hips on Cas? Girlfriend...oh, and the artist is pointedly bottom!Cas, to the point where they draw it as a mood aligner).
I found a window open to a story on LJ (the one where they get trapped in Ohio, and Cas pouts Dean into domesticity...::sigh::), and I notice that Mulder200's icon is an Artmetica Sterek picture.
Has D/C lost its biggest undiscriminating vanguard? That guy never saw a D/C story he wasn't first (inane) post on.
I couldn't figure out if the Cas in that picture was supposed to be a man or a woman, and I also didn't get why Samandriel was a baby. Or why Benny looked like a burglar.
She's still on probation. I'm not optimistic about her fanart, but I'm hoping she pulls through on the strength of reblogs.
There was a bit last night where only one tumblr on my dash was posting SPN stuff. I don't want to be that isolated again...
But that pic was a fixit curtain where Cas only pretended to kill Samandriel (and hid his grace) everyone likes Benny too? Something.
She doesn't talk about Sam much.
Oh--we saw Naomi fading in the white room. Any ideas? Because I got nothing. She'd have to be material to reprogram Cas with the pokey things, no?
I'm not entirely sure that what we're seeing in the White Room is literal and physical rather than some symbolic/metaphorical exchange between Cas and Naomi. Would she even have or need a vessel in Heaven?
I am not fond of Crowley being able to capture an angel and negate its powers. It was a holy shit moment when Mother-of-All revealed she knew how to do it, repetitive when the Leviathans could as well, and downright ridiculous when minor stakeable pagan gods and demons that should comparatively be like insects can do so with a bit of spraypaint. I am also not fond of said captive angel being revealed to be more vulnerable to torture of its vessel with material implements than a demon would be. Remember when Castiel first appeared and was able to shrug off Ruby's demon-killing knife like it was a plastic spork?
Producer preview for next week: [link]
My assumption is that there's magic involved in the torture, and once that can gets opened, what we saw seems perfectly legit to me. It's not like Crowley can negate angelic powers just by hanging around, like Eve could. He can shield a location from angels, but that's old hat--shielding's at least S6. Leviathans can't negate powers, but they can kill angels--that's different. They'd have gotten clean away with it if they could have hidden from Cas at the end of last season--that's how TFW found the real Dick.
Crowley speaks Enochian. He spent a year plotting with an angel. This is the Crowley I like, with fingers everywhere. I still hope he gets killed and off the show sometime this year, but he's less laughable than he was a couple seasons ago. Hell, all the way back to S5.
Ahaha-- [link] seems to tell me for sure she's going to be feminising the fuck out of him. If only I could filter *one* person's posts by a given tag...
Anyway, this art: [link] is way more painful post-Wednesday than before.
And I meant to ask--is Torn and Frayed a reference I'm missing? I'm assuming they're all references this far into the game.
It's a Stones song.
Here are the lyrics:
Hey let him follow you down
Way underground, wind and he's bound
Bound to follow you down
Just a dead beat right off the street, bound to follow you down
Well the ballrooms and smelly bordellos
And dressing rooms filled with parasites
On stage the band has got problems
They're a bag of nerves on first nights
He ain't tied down to no home town
Yeah, and he thought he was wreckless
You think he's bad, he thinks you're mad
Yeah, and the guitar player gets restless
Well his coat is torn and frayed
It's seen much better days
Just as long as the guitar plays
Let it steal your heart away, steal your heart away
Well his coat is torn and frayed
It's seen much better days
Just as long as the guitar plays
Let it steal your heart away
Joe's got a cough, sounds kind a rough
Yeah, and the codeine to fix it
Doctor prescribes, drug store supplies
Who's gonna help him to kick it
And his coat is torn and frayed
It's seen much better days
Just as long as the guitar plays
Let it steal your heart away, steal your heart away
Well his coat is torn and frayed
It's seen much better days
Just as long as the guitar plays
Just as long as the guitar plays
Just as long as the guitar plays
Just as long as the guitar plays
Well, that chorus
ships Destiel. Just sayin'.
This is a cute comic:
(IO9's non-recap is really irritating this week--I kinda wish they'd just break up with the show rather than short shrift it)
eta: I just read this opinion on the ep, and I may have to close my shutters more tightly so others don't leak in, because I get incredibly twitchy when a name I recognise says things I don't see them supporting (not that they need to explain themselves to random stranger me...)
This abominationish crap is the lowest of the low for Castiel.
So much of the episode was daft writing and messily tying up loose threads of plotlines that weren’t going anywhere and who-the-fuck-cares glossovers—but this moment iced the suck cake.
I ain’t even feelin’ sorry for wanting a happy ending at this point. It’s like why not?
Dean and Sam kill Naomi. Cas becomes human. Gabriel blazes in with a starship. Crowley takes a job at Hogwart’s. Heaven is open. Everybody rides off into the sunset. Benny opens an ice cream parlor. The end.
Am I correct in thinking they tied up 1 plotline? Amelia? Benny's Chekov's gun at this point, and we're in the middle of the tablet story and the Naomi story, which have just become the same story--what am I not thinking of?
Then again, people who resurrect Gabriel are probably people I'm going to be disagreeing with about something.