For this weekend, I was thinking maybe just two episodes. It might be fun to watch the season finales with their followups, or do two themed episodes like Bev mentioned -- Houses of the Holy with maybe The Rapture (although I don't remember if I have that on tape still).
If we're going to do this tonight at 5 p.m. board time, though, we need to make a decision.
Two episodes sounds good to me, and I'm honestly fine with whatever episodes we decide to watch.
How about Houses of the Holy plus one other one at 5:00 tonight?
(Even though I may not be able to join you, depending on how life stuff plays out).
Did we know Kripke directed Lucifer Rising? It's the first SPN season finale not directed by Kim Manners.
I look at my favorite eps through the seasons, and most of them are Manners eps. I wonder what we'd have gotten with the eps he was slated to direct this season, including the finale.
Has a group consensus been reached yet?
And I always get confused with the 'board time' issue (my brain trips over itself converting time)... 8 p.m. board time would be 11 p.m. here on the East Coast. Right?
Are we starting at 5 board time? Or later?
We had said 5:00 board time, but is it too late? Maybe tomorrow?
That would work, or will people be around later tonight?
Yeah, I got caught up with stuff and I'm not really up for it right now. Sorry.
Pretty much what Amy said. Life stuff got the better of me today, and tomorrow will be better.