I'm kind of vaguely hoping that we'll get a Lucifer like Mike Carey's Lucifer next season, I think. Not so much with the Big Evil, and more with the free will and sunsets.
Yes. This. It would also be interesting if the defeat of Lucifer isn't a physical besting (something that probably would be possible only if you were, say, God), so much as a reconciliation. After all, isn't Lucifer the angels' brother? And Dean mending fences with Sam is bound to be a bit part of next season, so... Anyhow, it's just a theory I've started noodling around with and still haven't poked at too much. I'm still trying to connect a few thoughts, such as how we know, thanks to Azazel and Meg, that demons do value family connections in some manner. Plus you've got the angels, some of whom are trying to follow what they think are the orders of an absent and incommunicado father. Etc.
Getting JDM in for a flashback scene would be wonderful. It may also be a good excuse to get Colin Ford back for a bit, since I think JA and JP have changed enough physically since S1 to make it hard to sell them as pre-series Sam and Dean.
Someday someone will market a show with "JDM LIVES!"
I think next season will be all about redemption for both boys. Both had a hand in unleashing Lucifer, both will have to work together to see this resolved.
I also have a working theory: Zachariah is playing God, and is completely behind the Winchester Gospels. There is nothing divine about Chuck's inspiration to write them. It's all Zachariah manipulating Chuck, the Winchesters, the angels, and perhaps even the archangels.
Just an idea. But Kripke is still a genius and is likely to shatter that notion rather quickly.
OMG, Misha Collins needs to step away from the Internet.
I am, I cannot lie, thoroughly entertained by his Twitterstream, but I also have this flaily sense of 'OMG, don't encourage us you fool!!!'
Because, seriously? If Hewlett ended up with fans appearing on his doorstep unannounced a few weeks ago, Collins is going to be
lucky indeed to escape fake pony blood at this rate. I'm seeing some kind of Carrie moment.
But - he does talk a disarming line of giggle-inducing bullshit. Bless. (I maintain that he is, undoubtedly, God's own MarySue. God has thrown him to the fangirls to give the Js a bit of a break.)
He is something of a delightful goofball. I'm enjoying his ramblings, too.
He is incredibly articulate and wry. I ... think I love him.
'OMG, don't encourage us you fool!!!'
Chris Hansen from Dateline is showing up at our house isn't he?
(The Obama stuff did make me giggle out loud this morning. Damn it.)
However, I am not a minion. Bugger that. But I'd buy him a beverage.
I don't twitter, however I gather there's some internet way to "follow" someone's ... twitter...stream? Clues, anybody?