Man. My brain hurts just thinking about the explosion that would have occurred within sections of the fandom if Dean had to suck Castiel's blood.
Yes, my brain went there while watching.
I may have shouted, "Cas, my boy!"
Kripke's doing really, really well with this.
And Ruby's little smile? All the proof anyone ever needed. Bitch.
I'd have liked it better if Zacharaiah hadn't been presented as skeevy and deceptive in this episode. A devout, righteous angel eager to bring Armageddon to its prophecied fulfillment regardless of the death toll would have worked better for me.
Aw man. I wanted Dean and Castiel against the world.
Well at least we'll have them both (Sam and Dean, I mean) at the same location at the same time (I hope).
So did he just do that because she mocked his manhood?
Aha! Ruby HAS been in on it all along!
quester, that's exactly what I said.
Sam's FAAAAAAAAACE when he heard Dean. BOYS.
So Sam may have kicked things off (oops!) but he did it for the right reasons. So even though his eyeballs rolled to black, he's not EVUL, right?