I think the idea is more that it'll be the host screaming and feeling the pain of being bled instead of the demon.
Well yeah, but I was just wondering if everyone who has been ridden by a demon now has supercharged blood. (That once they've been possessed they're altered.) So Sammy's food source would still be useful, whether it's the demon or Cindy currently in there.
So clearly we've all seen Dogma! Huzzah!
I am in serious CAPSLOCK mode over here.
On a shallow note, I shall be disappointed if Dean doesn't do SOMETHING with that harp in the corner.
Interesting, so they're going the Mike Carey's Lucifer route.
Oh, and kudos to all of you who predicted that the angels actually wanted the battle to take place.
For a second there, I thought Dean was going to start drinking blood too.
Oh, I don't know who it was that thought that Lillith dying would be the last seal, but YOU WIN.