Austin, honey, i think JP is foine. however, if it came down to a choice between he and JA, it would always be JA for me. the picture upthread though? i totally don't see anything alarming about it. he's far from bodybuilder grossness.
Yes. Yes. Yes. And -- I think it's just the pose.
You guys can have the boys, I'd go for Dad or the nummy angel.
Whyfor or?
Has anyone linked to this evil teaser for 4.11?
Dude, leave me hanging why don't they...
That is utterly and delightfully
That is utterly and delightfully wrong.
That never happens in this universe. ;)
Oooh, I watched the clip tiggy posted of the next three episodes. LOVE. WANT SHOW BACK NOW, SANTA. Come on!
t /Dean voice
LOL. It's a whole different read in Dean's voice. Oh, you made my day.
the link sumi posted is oh so wrong.
isn't it just? I'm so proud of our little show.