tiggy, I was so glad that wasn't Jensen, 'cause I really didn't like that dude. I defriended him.
Me. Defriending Jensen. This is the universe without shrimp.
But I asked Jim to double check and he said Jensen says NO...so since we were told twice, I am choosing to believe it. And Happily.
Now to smile at Misha's tweets.
oh...i did too, Austin. whoever they are, they are annoying as shit.
Oh, fuck.
See, now I'm actually going to
Twitter, at this rate. I did join, a few weeks ago, out of irritated curiosity, but didn't USE it.
However, apparently Misha is just
fucking disarming. Only I kind of want to say: "OMG NO, MISHA! Step away from the Internet, dude! You should not be encouraging the stalkers! You really shouldn't!"
And, y'know, within this context I
a flipping stalker.
I have joined and quit twitter. I want nothing to do with it really, but I just found a really useful use for twitter: to find out who was voted out of AI in real time. But I don't need a twitter acct for that.
I just follow Twitters on my RSS feed. All the stalking, none of the annoying Twitter nonsense.
t /techiest luddite ever
OMG SHOW! I am unprepared for this.
Don't even give me this "It's Thursday" crap. I'm at 8.22pm on Thursday in my world - I've been excited about it being Thursday ALL DAY, even though I don't get to see the damn show, and even though I know that I
mentally translate SPN day to Friday in my head, because when I wake up tomorrow morning you guys STILL won't have seen the damn thing.
t /grumpypants
Clearly Fay, what you need is a DeLorean to bring you back from the future.