Yeah, I don't know what they have planned but my guess is that Lilith is instrumental in the breaking of the final seal because it has to be her that dies. Lucifer's First isn't going to be the first demon he created, it's going to be like Star Trek's First officer, which is going to be Sam. ::still squeeing over Star Trek::
Sam will kill Lilith, thinking he is stopping her when actually he is breaking the seal, and thereby becoming the First (unless Lilith didn't have enough blood and then he has to send Andrew to the butcher for pigs blood to open the hellmouth). Dean will try and stop Sam because he has sworn obedience. Meanwhile Angels and Demons will be pulling strings so no one knows who is a "good" guy and who is a "bad" guy.
Then again, maybe Ruby is the First.
How does this go along with Croatoan? Dean wouldn't kill Sam then but was ready to die himself. It's been too long and I need to watch that again. That is the episode I was reminded of last week when Dean was talking about how tired he was.
I just find myself not entirely trusting what Castiel says. Not because I mistrust Castiel, but because I distrust whoever his boss may be. We've already seen Uriel's rebellion, which means there are corrupt figures high up in the hierarchy that manage to pass along directives convincingly. How do we know Castiel is actually following the Directives of The Good? He may have the best of intentions, but I just don't necessarily trust what/why he's doing what he's doing.
I suspect the Angels want Lucifer defeated no matter what - even if some humans have to die in the process. So since I am a fan of the Winchester brothers - particularly when they aren't drinking demon blood - it follows that I may not be a fan of the angels' actions because they don't really care about Sam or Dean.
What bothers me is the notion that Lucifer twisted and turned a human into his first. What is Ruby doing?
What if the prophecy is half true, and instead of the first demon Lucifer made, the seal is supposed to be broken by Lucifer's first host?
So, after school today I introduced my Teaching Assistant to the joys of SPN, gave her a breakdown of why the Winchesters are awesome (including Googling pictures of JA and JP, and then showing her Ringwench's
and now she's sucked in. And it turns out that SHE IS A SECRET BUFFY FAN!!! Which is
So I'm bringing the first of the Season 8 graphic novels in to school tomorrow!
does dance of joy
Man, I KNEW she rocked, but I didn't realise she was a Buffy fan!
is impressed.
(All of this was because I was listening to one of my
mixes kinda loud when she walked in, and we got to talking about music when I went to switch down 'Highway to Hell' and she said "No, no, I like it!")
My tinfoil-lined hat theory is that it's being set up so that Sam is Lucifer's first. By killing Lilith, Sam will be the one to break the last seal and free Lucifer, thus making him first in Lucifer's eyes.
This is my theory, as well. Which I expounded at great length mid-episode last week, prompting M to shush me so he could watch. Given that he only started watching to humor me, I count this a win.
ummm...Misha appears to be twittering. according to people in the Misha comm on lj, he's authentic as reported by someone in the CW PR dept.
I really wish you hadn't told me that.