Well, they could find the Lilith stuff via Wikipedia, so I don't think it's hopeless - pretty minimal research skillz involved.
The Sam-hane thing ....eh, the number of times I've found myself mispronouncing a word that I only know via text, I don't feel I've got a moral highground for that one.
The Sam-hane thing ....eh, the number of times I've found myself mispronouncing a word that I only know via text, I don't feel I've got a moral highground for that one.
I know that bugged a lot of people, and it was certainly wrong like a wrong thing, but I had never heard that word pronounced aloud (correctly) until a few years ago.
And it's one of those words that I feel like lots of people have seen at least once, but never heard, and when pronounced correctly I don't know how many people would actually associate it with the spelling.
Which is *not* a pass to do it wrong, of course, but I don't want them flogged for it.
I've read the name many times in the context of Halloween lore over the years, but I'd never heard it pronounced correctly until after the episode had aired.
Based on the promos.....uh-oh.
That's just...
But if..
And he isn't..
Oh man.
Uh huh.
I know.
ETA: I don't know anything, I'm completely unspoiled. I just know how you feel.
not peeking not peeking not peeking...
I'm not peeking, either. I still haven't brought myself to rewatch last week's episode.
Not Peeking.
Man, when this show is over, I am so ho-ing it again with spoilers. I mean, full on spoiler slutting. Sadly, this show seems to want me in my virginal white nightie. I know this ends badly, but ...
Sadly, this show seems to want me in my virginal white nightie. I know this ends badly, but ...
If the lights start flickering and you start sliding up the wall and then onto the ceiling, don't say you weren't warned. (And whatever you do, don't bake cookies!)