Speaking only for myself, I tend to squirm a bit because it does seem a bit mean-spirited. I don't even think it's supposed to be, but things like Mr. Exposition the Comic Book Guy and the publisher with her tattoo seemed a little... yeah, mean.
See, I'm not seeing the mean. Awkward shoehorning of a joke or two, but not so much the mean. Mr. Exposition the Comic Book Guy wasn't like, drooling super goob (I mean, he was like, less of a goob than the dudes at Pete's comic book shop. Slightly more of one than the peeps at mine, but not by much), and publisher chick was wicked hot (and as much of a jab at Sera Gamble and company as non-associated fangirls).
Well, that's why I don't think it's supposed to be. Maybe it's just like any description of fanfiction in the wider media -- no matter how well-intentioned and balanced, it always feels like you've opened up the soft underbelly for everyone to see. Again with the mixing of metaphors. Sorry.
Space promo for 4.19. Don't forget that the Canadian promos tend to be more spoilery than the CW promos.
While I was somewhat thrown out of the story by the meta elements, I thought they handled them with a gentle hand. I didn't think it was too mean or too overwhelming.
By comparison, the Stargate episode mentioned earlier was a MEGA-META, delivered with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the gut.
I thought the Stargate ep was way more mean, and unfunny.
Aw, Toddson COMM'd me! On my birthday! Hee.
I certainly did the "wide eyes, oh my god, they did NOT just say that," during the opening meta bits, but at the same time, I laughed like crazy.
It makes me wonder how many people watch this show who would have been completely appalled and had no idea such a thing as Dean/Sam slash exists. And then I think, for all that the show's ratings have dramatically improved, most people I talk to have no idea what it is.
I stole it for a tag, too. Happy birthday?
We can trade off? Alternate weeks?
That's okay. I am pretty sure it fits you better than me anyway. (because I didn't have much of that shame thing to start with, I mean)