I take it they had to go with a dude as the writer because a woman writes about characters like Sam, Dean and Castiel and then finds them in her living room?
Yeah, I don't see that being as disturbing to, say, me as it is to Chuck. You know. Hypothetically.
"You should have seen Luke." Bwahahaha.
I missed something from Dean... he mentioned Sam ripping something apart -- who/what was it?
Misha and Jensen squintyface smackdown! Two squints enter! One squint leaves!
Ah, thank you. Although that seems like a really big dramatic moment they cheated us out of (Hey, by the way, Sam is strong enough to defeat a demon that even Castiel couldn't fight.)
Everyone who wants Dean and Castiel to kiss, raise your hand?
::raises hand::
Also, could there have been more growling in that scene? I submit to you that there could not.
Hanging a lampshade on the M Night Shyalamaness of this plot doesn't actually keep it from being such.
Castiel being sneaky with Dean was fantastic. Those little coy looks Misha gave, mmm....