Re: mystical means of protection. What have we seen when it comes to protection with salt? Does the entire perimeter of the room need to be salted? Or is it just openings, e.g. windows and doors? If she only had to salt the doors and window, that would have pressumedly kept out something physical: body and/or demon smoke. Dean and Sam were on an astral plane: non-corpeal and ghost-like. Able to move through walls and other solid objects. They still would have been able to get to their bodies and yet, Pamela could have kept a person/demon out of the room.
(But, as with so many things on TV that seem silly, if they had done that then they wouldn't have a plot point.)
Yeah, I'm afraid logic fell victim to that no matter what we feel could have been done.
4.16 sneak peek
Canadian promo
Both are fairly spoilery and I actually think that the Canadian promo is more spoilery than the sneak peek.
I watched them both.
I'm then whoa...and then eep.
I know, right? I'm going to be watching from behind my laptop screen, from the hall, between my fingers. Eep is right.
I'm beginning to wonder if there will ever be a ray of light in either of the Winchesters' souls again, you know?
whoa. Canadian promo is definitely more spoilery. these boys are gonna be the death of me.
I'm beginning to wonder if there will ever be a ray of light in either of the Winchesters' souls again, you know?
Oh, jesus. I only watched the first one, and I just want to hold him. DEAN.
I might be the only one, but
Alistair's Brando accent amuses me. Although it's odd that Alistair #1 used it, Alistair #2 (brief as his appearance was) didn't, and Alistair #3 does again.
they couldn't find a stuntman/actor who could do a decent Brando impersonation and was willing to be flung into a tree
In answer to Amy:
I think it's entirely deliberate. Mitch Pileggi mimicked the body language of both JDM and Fred Lehne when they were possessed by Azazel. JP has said he went back and watched Nicki's performances and consciously tried to mimic her body language and facial expressions when he was possessed by the Meg demon. I think with Alistair they've settled on the voice as the cue. It does free up the actors portraying people possessed by Alistair for more variance in body language.
Bev, your spoiler font didn't work.
Then again, I'm not sure we need it to discuss this, really. Even though I started it.
Oh, Bev makes me look crazy! Hee.