And now I want a good Dr Who/Supernatural crossover. Because that has some potential for hilarity.
Ooh, I read one the other day, actually, by the girl who did the SPN/Pushing Daisies crossover. Trolllogic on LJ, iirc. It was rather nice. (Think she has links to all her fic in the post at the top of her page.)
God, I love fandom sometimes. Thanks, Fay!
And now I want a good Dr Who/Supernatural crossover. Because that has some potential for hilarity.
I just did a quick Google search on 'Dr. Who Supernatural crossover' and there are a number of stories out there.
And Google. I love Google, too. Thanks, Morgana!
I would be so, so very lost without Google.
Um, somebody's doing a really creepy SPN/Dollhouse xover. Lemme be files and records.
Redrikki, here. Read the first two, linked in the--stuff, at the top, you know, before the story begins, the thing, whatever that's called. Very short, both of them, all three, really. But creepy.
If anywone sees good Leverage/supernATURAl iT;S WELCOMED,
I read a good Parker centric one the other day. Maybe by musesfool? I shall go look.
eta: here [link]
Um, somebody's doing a really creepy SPN/Dollhouse xover. Lemme be files and records.
Good creepy or bad creepy? With Dollhouse, I have to ask.
Am picturing Beverly in a debate with Ten. "I knew Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester was a friend of mine. Doctor, you're no Dean Winchester."
They should film this and show it every Christmas!