I found the blog by reading some comment on facebook.
Jim Beaver just made me love him. Damn him and his incredo brain, multi-talented, woobiness.
He added an update today to let people know he was doing okay that no one has to worry. Concerned for others.
Silence, foul tempter!
eta: superseekrit message for tiggy:
omgsquee I just now saw what he wrote on your wall!
It makes me want to go cling to my own little girl and make unkeepable promises about never, ever, ever leaving.
Hell, it makes me want to go cling to your little girl and make the same unkeepable promises.
'kay, that made me cry at work. Damn. Stupid world. Lovely bloke. Stupid world.
not gonna lie, Austin. i did a little "awwww!!!" when i read what he wrote too.
SPN vid rec: Hell's Broke Loose, starring Dean Winchester as Johnny, Azazel as The Devil, and Sam Winchester as The Golden Fiddle.
Charmed me to death, but of course I do love
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
to pieces.
Did people know Katie Cassidy and Jim Beaver are both in Harper's Island? [link]
And Mo Ryan has some clips from the next new SPN - but I can't tell you how spoilery they are because I haven't tried to get them to run.
a clip from the Misha Collins panel at the NJ Con.
....I'm getting nothing.
pouts forever. Particularly in the light of particular quotations she's heard ascribed to Misha Collins, whom she is in some danger of adopting as her Sooper Seekrit Boyfriend.
Okay, the thing about the suit? Precious. The thing about supporting his struggling software company? PRECIOUSER.