The cops just knocked on my door because there was "an incident" on the corner by near my house. The took my name and number, even though I didn't hear or see anything, but he couldn't tell me what it was. Of course I was wearing a ripped shirt, no bra and flannel pajama bottoms.
This is the incident:
Yikes, Sue! That's terrible.
x-post w/Bitches:
Anyone who's been looking to buy a Wii Fit, this might be a good time to do so. Game Stop is running a promotion aimed at women, with various Wii and DS games/activities and they're more liable to have Wii Fits in right now. Lewis said they received several today in shipment.
Just an FYI.
Yeah. There's been a mini drug war happening in Halifax, I don't know if this is related. One guy got shot in the parking lot of the children's hospital. I hope the kid is okay.
That said, I am standing far away from the pub boys at the bus stop in the morning if people are shooting at them.
Yikes, Sue! That's scary.
IcompletelyON, Archaeology Magazine's Top 10 Discoveries of 2007 and 2008.
In the 2007 list, check out the cuneiform tablet story--I missed it (or forgot about it) when it was first reported. They found a reference in a list of donations to a Babylonian temple to a eunuch who was mentioned in the Bible!
Yargh, Sue. Definitely stay safe.
Yikes, Sue, that is scary!
Shepherd's pie for dinner. YUM!
Looking at the time, I was watching Pushing Daisies on the TiVo, and I didn't hear a thing.
I just saw an ad for a Liam Neeson action film called Taken. OMG. Gotta see it.