(Shouldn't the COMM naming be happening in B'crazy?)
True. It's also 50 posts away, which could be weeks for COMM. So people need to be funnier
we need to move the naming talk. Sorry, y'all! I mean to just spew out a name before I forgot it, not start a real discussion here.
I plan on spending NYE in my inside pants, but with Nicole, her DF, and K-Bug.
We just bumped into Rudolph's Shiny New Year on TV. OMG, haven't seen this in YEARS.
Tomorrow's my last day of work. Yippee? What the hell, I am really glad to be leaving. Nice people, lousy bosses and I think the business is going to tank because they just don't have a clue. But they are nice people.
NYE will be spent at home with DH watching movies and drinking something sparkly. I don't know what movies yet - I'm letting DH choose.
Oh shit, I should go buy booze tomorrow. New Year's Eve. Fun.
Not sure what I'm doing for NYE.
Molotov cocktail thrown at Chicago synagogue. The person who threw it made a "derogatory statement" to a witness. Police are investigating it as a hate crime. [link]
NYE will be spent at home, as usual. There will be bubbly, and probably cosmos.
My big news for the night is I got a haircut. I now have short layers around my head, like an overgrown pixie cut. I have no idea how I feel about it yet as I can't tell if it looks cute or if it makes me look older.
Oh wait. Does hair belong in Bitches?
By the time someone is flinging homemade napalm at a temple, do the police really need the derogatory statement to make their case?
any and everything goes in natter.
I am headed to bed. enough of this wasting away the night online bs I've done the last few nights.