The rugrats have been invited to a sleepover which means alone time for me and Lewis. Plus, he has two days off this week for the first time in a month, so no alarms of any sort tomorrow or Thursday.
There will probably be takeaway from Russo's Italian and the plugging in of the new PS3 so we can watch Blu-Ray discs. He hasn't seen The Dark Knight so that'll probably be on tap.
For Thursday there will be parades and football and Honeybaked Ham and stuffing sandwiches. Oh, and dark chocolate brownies.
Lord, I'm boring.
No plans. work, leave by 4 due to proximity to Times Sq
Watch out for the Jonas Bros. stampedes, belle.
We will finish painting the dining room, drink a teeny bottle of champagne, and go to bed by 10. I am thinking of doing the sweet potato latkes and a pork loin, and apple pie. NYD is kielbasa, if any can be found in this Pole-forsaken town, and sauerkraut. And probably painting the bathroom.
You're in blackeyed peas and collards for NYD country now, flea.
I'm going to the suburbs for a party of 3. Four if you count the baby. We may even stay up until midnight!
I'm going to pretend I might make it up to SF to go out with Juliana and her crew, but then end up curled up in my inside pants watching British television shows.
You can take the Trybyczewski out of The Old Neighborhood in Cleveland, but you can't take his kielbasa.
Whenever I hear the words "polska kielbasa", I sing them in my head to the tune of Copacabana.
Polska Kiieeelbaa-aah-sa!
I want to go eat at Flea's. I might have to drag myself out to the grocery store tomorrow. (At least I know I can find kielbasa!)
Okay, you bored peeps, I need help for an article. What is a relaxed but business-appropriate way to say "We are going to kick some butt"?