Oh Jen, what a drag. Wallet losing is so unsettling.
As previously reported, the last time I lost mine, I highly recommend including something that looks like a minister's id in your wallet. There is no other reason I got mine back last time with all card intact and no fishy business. No cash of course, but that was my own damn fault.
Thanks for the wiki link Steph. I'm loving Chuck more every minute.
As for Katrina doing Shrub in...I honestly believe that administration was never righted (no pun intended) after 9/11.
"Katrina to me was the tipping point," said Matthew Dowd, Bush's pollster and chief strategist for the 2004 presidential campaign. "The president broke his bond with the public. Once that bond was broken, he no longer had the capacity to talk to the American public. State of the Union addresses? It didn't matter. Legislative initiatives? It didn't matter. P.R.? It didn't matter. Travel? It didn't matter."
I wouldn't call it "breaking a bond," but I agree that Katrina was a tipping point. It wasn't so much a lack of capacity to talk to the American public -- more that, after Katrina, America no longer wanted to hear what he had to say.
Puppy picspam. [link]
This is how they're currently sitting. By my desk. My foot is under there somewhere.
Barb! I was cleaning out my desk and found a packet of letters for you that I never sent. of course, now I can't find your address. Can you please e it to me? msgullo at gmail dot com. Thanks!
My uncle just became my friend on Facebook. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I have too many categories of people in Facebook, I'd like it if FB had group level access control.
Sorry to hear about your job Shir.
Dude, Jesus was WAY cool.
I love it that he was exactly the kind of person his most vociferous followers would condemn as a bleeding-heart Dirty Hippie these days.
Whenever my mom gets snotty about people wearing less than Sunday best to church, I fire back with "So Jesus had a dress code for the lepers, beggars, and whores he ministered to, did he?"
Hilarious & Crazy Signage, Part 12
My fave is the sign that says "Dog Crossing" with another sign below it that says:
Old Dog
Young Dog
Several Stupid Dogs
Please Drive Slowly
Also the "Please No Defecating on Subway" sign. (The CTA could use such a sign, based on one experience I had.)