But what's also cool about it is that the angel of God appeared to these shifty dudes, not the heads of state. That's fucking awesome.
Oh, totally. It's just that the whole story is so ritualized, it's easy to forget the real deal. Manger, shepherds, sounds cute, right? NSM.
Dude, Jesus was WAY cool.
Right? With the hanging with and healing the downtrodden, and busting the Pharisees, and putting up with the apostles' being generally annoying and bickering among themselves about which one of them was the greatest (srsly? I'm not surprised Jesus went up on the Mount of Olives to get a break from them).
well, except for Bartholomew, who was dreamy.
Dude, Jesus was WAY cool.
He turned water into wine
And if he wanted to
He could have turned wheat into marijuana
I love that Chuck Mangione is on KOTH.
I wonder why they picked him.
Yael driving a stake through Barak's head.
Umm, not Barak. Sisra.
I think I read once an interpretation in which Sisra was actually a vampire. You know, because of the stake.
My God, I hope that war won't last until Purim.
Shir, I hope I am not being too nosy, but did you say why you lost your job and I missed it? I am very upset on your behalf! What a crappy thing.
...does losing your job mean you could spend more than the weekend at home? Or get there in time to see your sister? Thus justifying being safe at your parents' house and taking the scary bus route?? Or do you still have classes you can't skip and stuff?
And, semi-morning-update:
A solider was killed last night in one of the bases of the south. I hope it wasn't someone my sis knew, or in her base. A "special situation" declared in every town/city 30 km from Gaza Strip. My country's still killing way too much, saying it wants to wipe off Hamas. Idiots. I think they try to create a new balance of terror power. Still doesn't answer the question why now, and not 8 years ago/two years and a half ago, when Israel evacuated the settlements in the Strip.
I kindda stopped counting the dead and wounded by now.
All international truce offers by now are only suggesting to bring Israel weaker with less control over the Strip. So I'm not too sure about any truce happening anytime soon. Hezbollah threats to open a second front if Israel will enter the Strip. Egypt now earned a special status in this conflict, and its officers and soldiers are being threated. People in Gaza Strip turn off their cell phones. Hundreds of Israeli-Arabs were arrested in the riots since the "not war" began.
java, I lost my job because of the whole "economic crisis" and "they had to cut down" reasons. I'm glad I didn't screw up or anything like it to lose it.
Honestly, I'm surprised they kept me so far - as a student, I only have about 10-15 hours per week to give. They can find better than this.
meara - yes and no. I'll have more time, but it's also time for studies and finding other job. And I'm not too optimistic about seeing my sister the next month or so. I'm surprised she got those 48 hours. But I still have classes, and the very much physical need of being with my parents in my home there. Where Dr. Who is...