You mean, what exactly it means to be a virgin?
I think they introduce it so early that nobody's too clear on the details of how babies are made. It's just that God is the Baby Daddy and that's it. And they make a big deal about Mary being the only person born without sin on her soul to sort of tap dance around the sex thing.
So. I (apparently) dropped my wallet in the parking lot outside of work - totally stupid, because it was half out of my coat pocket, and it must have fallen out as I was getting into the car. I went right back, but no luck.
Cancelled all of my cards/requested new ones be sent. Have all of my ID docs lined up for a trip to the DMV tomorrow.
Yay. NOT.
Oh crap. I forgot my Healthcare Account debit card. Then I have to request new medical insurance cards tomorrow. Just... blergh.
The shyest? Chuck Mangione. Bless his tiny self. Never looked up from the floor and didn't speak a single word except when forced to on stage.
Funniest Chuck memory ever was when I was in drum corps, he was invited to be the "color commentary" for the DCI finals broadcast from the old Orange Bowl.
Man didn't know dick about corps, but his music was super popular. OMG, every corps and their mother played "Children of Sanchez" at least once at some point. He did his best, God love him-- I think the herbal assistance helped with his clarity throughout the broadcast. He was awesome.
Jen, that SUCKS ROCKS. Boo.
That's a whole lotta no fun, Jen.
Ugh Jen, what a bummer.
So right now I have two little nudists running around the house. One of them is pretending to be a mean dinosaur, the other one has magic powers. Guess which is which.
Exactly that - lack of fun, with added rock sucking.
Pluswhich, I really liked the wallet itself. And such a bargain - like, $10 at Marshalls... several months ago in Lawrenceville, NJ, randomly enough. Blergh redux.
Which, you know, all in all, is microscopic on the scale of what's wrong in the this world o' ours, of course, so I can't really get too exercised over it. Easy come, easy go. I just need to channel my inner Buddhist.
at Marshalls... several months ago in Lawrenceville, NJ
My friend who lives there swears by that Marshall's! And actually, I'm going to be out there this week -- I should make her take me.
Or perhaps I need to channel the magical powers of Burrell's little naturalist...
Ha! That's so funny, Jesse. It was a good Marshalls - my boss, another manager, and I made an after-work visit there. Sadly, I will probably not be in Lawrenceville for work for a long, long time. Happily, we have a decent Marshalls here. There was another good store right near the Marshalls, too - many, many awesome purses/bags. Can't remember the name, though.