My admittedly not close reading of history says that while bombing may affect infrastructure, it also strengthens the hearts of your enemies and makes them ever more determined against you
All I know that destroying every single piece of frame, authority or infrastructure those people ever knew won't get them 1. to like my country better, 2. solve any fucking problem, unless they're talking about bombing the whole area, killing everyone and retake the Strip under Israeli control.
So I'm eager for an explanation from my government. The "stop the rocket launching" is great - I'm all in favor of, really, but it's a blur - if Hamas or Fatah aren't the people you want there, and you're killing them, then... what do you expect the people there to do?
Is it Monday? Or am I dreaming?
I needed sleeping pills to get to sleep, so while my body is now awake, my brain is pickled in a sea of gronk.
Where is everyone?
Fashion: Best Trends Of 2008 (SLIDESHOW)
Rachel Maddow and Michelle Obama are my faves.
Oh, it's Monday all right, tommyrot. Somewhat more Monday-esque than usual, in fact.
I am home for 3 days with the kids while mr. flea is at work. Happily the sun is FINALLY out after a week of drizzle.
The one big problem with Dora the Explorer (which currently hits the sweet spot of being simple enough for Dillo and still entertaining for Casper) is that Casper shouts out all the words, and I keep forgetting and rushing in from the kitchen thinking there is some emergency (in ill-pronounced Spanish).
Okay, the other big problem with Dora is I hate it, but, hey, kitchen!
Somewhat more Monday-esque than usual, in fact.
Mondayosity levels are 56% above normal (for a Monday) and rising....
This is kinda' nuts: As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control.
But still, the map of the disintegrated US is kinda' cool. Apparently, us Illinoisians will be part of "The Central North-American Republic", which "[w]ill be part of Canada or under Canadian influence."
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
The NC-istas may end up as part of the EU. Cool! Pretty money for all!
Oh, it's Monday all right, tommyrot. Somewhat more Monday-esque than usual, in fact.
I'm going to be giving Monday the evil eye.
Once my eyes are fully open, that is.
If the US breaks up like that, I am SO moving out of Georgia.