The stuff on that cakewrecks blog is bananas! I can't believe the crap people will pay money for.
Also, I really don't feel like working. And I'm 75% sure that I've drafted and distributed everything on my to-do list, so really I'm just waiting on other people, but I should probably confirm that and/or follow up. But meh!
Also: white "chocolate" is NOT CHOCOLATE.
It's not really white either. One of those foods that's neither, like sweet breads or head cheese.
One of those foods that's neither, like sweet breads or head cheese.
Baltimore classic -- Lake Trout! Neither trout nor from a lake.
Blood sausage, alas, is actually a sausage made of blood.
Blood sausage, alas, is actually a sausage made of blood.
And is muy tasty, I must say.
t /unrepentant omnivore
Happily, Nuclear SQWorms are not nuclear nor worms.
Well, hell, I forgot my lunch today.
Can you go someplace and get a burrito? This could be an opportunity in disguise.