He has 2 boxes of those. a new pencil sharpener would work though, as well as colored paper for airplanes.
Balsa wood airplane? They're cheap but they're actually fun and last for a bit. (Emmett and Matilda both got balsa wood planes in their stockings. Emmett's is the fancy kind with a rubber band.)
Jesse, I am doing a tangerine in there even though he will NOT get it and proclaim it lame.
Not if you wrap it in tin foil, he won't!
might do. we literally have boxes of made paper airplanes - he has 4 books on how to make different ones. The making I think is more than half of it and they mostly get flown indoors, so I'll have to think about whether balsa wood flying about the living room is a great idea.
psst - Jesse is out of touch with what a 7yo will think is lame, pass it on.
psst - Jesse is out of touch with what a 7yo will think is lame, pass it on.
Hmph. You just tell him about how on the frontier there were no oranges, and he's sure to come around.
I like snow much better than winter rain despite the extra inconvenience—it's pretty, and clean, and takes me back to my childhood when we had actual snowdrifts in the South. Ice, on the other hand, (particularly highway black ice) has earned my undying hatred.
I vote Pavlova, just because I love the name. We are either going to have an apple pie, or chocolate cake from Big City Bread. Possibly both.
For stocking stuffers, I have new markers (both), a small 100-piece puzzle (box will fit in stocking) and a Tinkerbell fairy 3-inch doll (for Casper), and bupkis else for Dillo. I wanted to get some good small (3-4 inch) digger trucks, but have not been able to find any, and time is almost run out.
I found a pencil sharpener that is a hippo, and you put the pencil in his mouth and wind his tail to sharpen it. It is made of awesome. And plastic.
OK, my present to myself is a theremin kit. It comes with an unfinished wood case, so I'll have to paint or stain it. I think I want to stain it some weird color (bright red?) so it'll look freakish and unnatural, but will still show the pretty wood grain underneath. Any ideas?
I don't know what kind of wood the case is.
my gift to myself is debt reduction which is LAME! Sensible, but lame.