Cooking hivemind question: any recs out there for a good herb and spice-based cookbook? My sister has decided to thumb her nose at the cooking gods who blessed us with black thumbs and has been growing her own herbs and would like a good, basic cookbook.
I've been browsing Jessica's Biscuit and this is what I've come up with as possibilities:
I'm afraid the Herbfarm book may be a bit beyond her. She has NO patience at all when cooking and is liable to just skip steps if the recipes are too involved.
Happy (pre)Hannukah, y'all!
A series of amazing (and gross) pictures of a fight to the death between a praying mantis and a banded argiope spider:
I'm supposed to go to a show tonight, but it's 30 below or thereabouts, and I just don't want to leave the apartment. I love the band, and it's a benefit for a
children's hospital,
and yet. Too. Frigging. Cold.
WAY Too frigging cold, if you ask me.
Does the money go to the children's hospital anyway? You're clear, if so....
FTR, Cindy McCain's Oatmeal Butterscotch cookies? They kinda blow.
That's because Cindy McCain probably never goes into the kitchen, nor do most campaign staffers.