One of the requirements of where I live is that it has to be Walking Distance from useful places. You can imagine how thrilled I was to find a house I could afford in the city where I wanted to live.
It appears that Snowpocalypse II: Electric Boogaloo has been cancelled here. We've got light snow and wind, but the whole Freezing Rain On Top Of The Eight Inches From Yesterday isn't going to happen, so as far as I'm concerned we've dodged a bullet.
It's cold out. -5 F, with a wind chill of -20 to -30. That's cold by Wisconsin or Minnesota standards even.
But still, I want to go out for steak and eggs....
Oh, happy Winter Solstice, for us Northern Hemisphere types. It happened at 4:04 AM board time.
Alright, I'm heading off to American Girl Place. Since the weather is so crappy out, it means that the store will be mostly empty. It's the perfect plan! It's elegant in its simplicity! What could possibly go wrong?
It is majorly yuck out but amc and I have made it to church early for his chior practice. As soon as I see where he will be standing and get a pic or two I'll be heading out for coffee since church is not until 11.
Happy Winter Solstice back at ya, Tommyrot! I'm looking forward to changing over my altar this afternoon.
Yeah, it's winter out there alright. I dragged myself out to do some shopping and to socialize last night so I don't have to feel bad about not doing so today. Inside pants!
He was 8. And he'd been throwing stones at roosters just beforehand.
So it's not only mockworthy, it's now poetic justice or something. Hee.
Happy Solstice to all!
Waking up is hard work today -- I think I'm on my third hour of it now.
Don't drown, Tom!
Snowpocalypse in NYC has devolved into Rainpocalypse: The Enslushening. It is just gross out there.
Camera batteries are dead so I went to get some. I bought rechargables and I guess the need to be charged first. Poop. I guess no pictures today.