This is weird. For the second day in a row my kids have slept in to almost 8. If this keeps up until Thursday, I'll consider it a Christmas miracle.
I hope ita got to sleep finally, and Cash, but I suspect Cash just stayed awake. In which case I hope she gets in a nap today.
So today is now the HSM extravaganza. I've gone from vaguely dreading it to looking forward to it, or at least looking forward to watching the two girls dancing in the aisles.
His sideburns are gray?: [link]
Sammy Davis, Jr: [link]
Big Dawg: [link]
Might want this one for Hands On: [link]
Cary Grant: [link]
Labs are just chewy,
We had a black lab as a kid, and my parents had read/decided that a good way to train her (aka stop the destruction) was to tie whatever she destroyed around her neck (it was the early 70s--don't ask).
I remember this happenening with several shoes, and some clothes, etc.
I also remember my parents trying to figure out what to do with the several yards of pipe she had somehow dug up and removed from the sprinkler system.
I approve of the David Bowie picture so very hard. YUM.
I'm partial to this one too [link]
Good news in CA today - CA Attorney General has asked CA Supreme Court to overturn Prop 8:
California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown asked the state Supreme Court on Friday to invalidate the voter-approved ban on gay marriage, declaring that "the amendment process cannot be used to extinguish fundamental constitutional rights without compelling justification."
The California Constitution protects certain rights as "inalienable," Brown wrote. Those include a right to liberty and to privacy, which the courts have said includes a person's right to marry.
The issue before the court "presents a conflict between the constitutional power of the voters to amend the Constitution, on the one hand, and the Constitution's Declaration of Rights, on the other," Brown wrote.
The issue "is whether rights secured under the state Constitution's safeguard of liberty as an 'inalienable' right may intentionally be withdrawn from a class of persons by an initiative amendment."
Voters are allowed to amend other parts of the Constitution by majority vote, but to use the ballot box to take away an "inalienable" right would establish a "tyranny of the majority," which the Constitution was designed, in part, to prevent, he wrote.
I discovered that The WB has some stuff On Demand including
Jack & Bobby.
The first three episodes are up: I watched the first one and cried all the way through it. I think I may wait a bit before watching (rewatching) the next two.
We had a black lab as a kid, and my parents had read/decided that a good way to train her (aka stop the destruction) was to tie whatever she destroyed around her neck (it was the early 70s--don't ask).
I won't ask. I'll just envision and snicker quietly. Thing is, my chocolate Lab was neither a digger nor chewer at all. And while we had an interesting nine or so months with Jasmine and breaking her of the chewing habit (let's just say most of my Oriental rugs are missing fringe), she's more or less quit with the chewing. The digging's been more hit or miss and I think what happened with the sprinkler was that she dug, found it, and went "TREASURE? FOR ME?"
She's a Lab.
We have been to karate and returned. The I had a substantially long call with time warner support to get a tech out to check my modem and connections. While on the phone I:
Washed a sink of dishes
Filled the dishwasher
Put away dried dishes(from earlier this week)
Took out the trash and recyclying
Cleaned off the kitchen table and counters
Filled out my dept of transportation travel diary
And emptied my travel bag from today
Mac watched tv - there may be a mini lecture today about helping out around the house. Maybe. Maybe I'll just drink this beer and get a few dozen more chores done though.
On tap:
Laundy, litter boxes, hanging up clothes, vacuuming, christmas cards (I did get 6 n the mail today woo!)