ita, when are you leaving for Jamaica?
I'm so tired I forgot what else I was going to write. Oh yeah, now I remember:
Does he know Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg?
Frances came home from school singing it yesterday. She taught it to her brother, too.
flea, sorry about the possum and the squirrels! That's crazy!
I slept from 5:30-11:30 pm tonight. This can't be good.
Roommate's cat has discovered that roommate is gone, and is making cranky-yet-mournful "where is my human?" noises.
I hads a biped, but I losted it.
Wednesday, Burrell.
Cash, I hope you're sleeping. Me I just woke up with tingling extremities. Doesn't bother me unless I try and sleep, so I'ma try end run sleep by watching more TV.
I'm watching a special A&E in the Classroom on Meth.
My local paper is looking for a monthly parent columnist. I'd probably be crazy to look into it.
ita, is the tingling a byproduct of the neck procedure you had?
Not sure, Cash. Could be meds, could be withdrawal, could be independent of them both and be a symptom. Been going on since before the procedure,
Ugh. That sucks no matter what the cause.
I wonder why there aren't more drug courts.
Waiting for the second Ambien to kick in.
ita, did the emails (8 in all) I sent to pics@ go through? I got a weird bounce back on two of them.