I have lobster! in my fridge! They are already dead, thank god.
Heh. That reminds me of a night a few years ago, when I was working at a summer program in Baltimore.
I went into the staff dorm common room, and found out that a bunch of the other staff had gone and bought a bag of live crabs, figuring that eating crabs was something they should do in Baltimore. I didn't really feel like being around for the killing of the crabs, so I went back into my room and read for a while. After a bit, I was getting bored, so I went back to the common room. Two of the biology teachers were testing the reflexes of the crabs, which were all still alive. I rolled my eyes and left again.
About an hour later, I went back. The crabs: still alive. The staff: drunk. It was getting late, and I went to bed.
I found out the next morning that none of them actually knew how to cook crabs. They thought you had to kill them before steaming them. They had killed them by stabbing them with the end of a wire coat hanger.
I did laundry and I totally lost a sock. I even went down and checked the washer and dryer and the house and no sock. It wasn't a special sock or anything, but after the week I've had I LOST A GODDAMNED SOCK.
I may be bit tightly wound.
He was on my list! (Yes, I already have a list going of people to look for when I get home)
have no need to follow Paul, so maybe I just ignore him.
But if you're debating people who think Paul was right, a good response is useful.
In other odd naming news [link]
Last month the Court of Cassation Italy's highest appeal Court banned a couple from naming their son Friday - Venerdi - because the name "could expose the boy to ridicule".
The court said the name was derived from the manservant in Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe, and was therefore associated with "subservience and inferiority". The judges ordered the boy to be renamed Gregorio, after the saint's day on which he was born.
I've heard before of government authorities in European countries telling parents that they can't use a particular name, but I've never heard of them mandating an alternative before.
How about this guy? [link]
Why? It's not for me enough that I've never made it that far.
The NBC Building seems to be at 30 Rockerfeller something. Plaza, I think.
I went there once, dinner and dancing at the Rainbow Room. Probably the most a guy has ever spent on me, and it was completely platonic. That's how I roll.
Perkins, DAMN. Please do research, yes.
They are already dead, thank god.
They are best that way, yes.
I'm loving the Netflix streaming to my TiVo
that if you try and go into the menu when the 'net is on the fritz the box seems to lock up. And I have Time Warner flaky cable internet. So I will spend some time listening to music on my Apple TV until my baby's booted all the way back up and maybe I can get back to Dr. Who, classic style.
My life is so first world I could barf.
Holy shit, I just heard some crazy news of fallout from the Maddoff thing. Daaaag.