Weekend, watch Christmas Story with people who have never seen it. Get lobster.
Tomorrow: run around like a chicken with my head cut off. FLy home.
Sunday: Possibly collapse.
Relatedly, I seem to have deleted the email with all my flight information, which is making trying to make plans for tomorrow difficult, since I don't know which of two possible flights is the one I'm booked on! I have a copy at home, so I am not in a total panic, but I am tried and annoyed at myself.
they wouldn't be subject to the Fifth Amendment, and therefore could be compelled to testify under oath, right?
Watch them hide under claims of "national security" and "classified information."
Intellectually and politically, it makes sense. (And actually, I think it makes it more, rather than less, likely that we'll see efforts to get rid of DADT and DOMA in the coming year.)
I tend to agree.
I think the choice was extremely tone deaf, and I do kinda worry about what Warren will say in that context, but I don't think it was a big fuck you to the gay community, just as attending Rev Wright's church for however many years wasn't any kind of fuck you to white Americans.
I also expect that Obama's presidency will have more than a few moments like this in it. I'm just hoping they will be offset by actual policy.
I'm just hoping they will be offset by actual policy.
This is the reason I'm not furious. Warren is symbolic and not substantive.
egad. I used to think that Bush Sr was Satan. I now think that was wrong. It's Cheney. He's got to be, right?
Unrelatedly? Keanu Reeves would make an AWESOME Cowboy Bebop! Love it!
Keanu Reeves would make an AWESOME Cowboy Bebop!
I could definitely see him doing the whole, "What happens, happens" thing that Spike was good at.
Tonight: Stop by the store on the way home and pick up the last few gift cards I need and all of my greeting cards for family. Then I have to get everything filled out, wrapped, and boxed up before going to bed.
Saturday: Post office first thing, and then the bookstore from 10-6, which should be really insano-busy. Then home to sleeeeeep!
Sunday: Pick up Dad's gift (gift set from the liquor store--he loves his B&B) and wrap that, then relax.
Monday-Wednesday, I'm supposed to work at the office, but I've got two more days of PTO to take this year, so I'm going to check with my boss on Monday if I can take 1/2 days on the Tuesday and Wednesday of both weeks remaining this year.
the whole, "What happens, happens" thing that Spike was good at.
Ahh, when Spike was good. Might be time for a rewatch.
This weekend I have to go by New Balance and buy more crap for my sister. I'm going to have a lot of room in my bags on the way back, especially since I hope the only gift I'm receiving is the ticket home.
A coworker's 9 year old, a student assistant, and a coworker not the parent of the above, seem to be playing football in my office. Give me a freaking break.