Okay, so when I first woke up I looked out the nearest window (which faces west) and it was all iced up.
BUT it did snow so we got ice, then snow, then ice and now: snow.
It is ALOT warmer than it's been all week (28!) and I got a ride into work. So, that's good.
Also, the new BSG clue is. . . !!!!
Although I don't think it is new material.
Oh and my building has a lovely coating of ice on it. I had to push HARD with my hip to get that front door open.
Everyone else in my building should thank me.
I can't get that page to open, but it might be me, not them....
I could, but I really wish I hadn't.
From my vantage point on the 29th floor, I have counted 2 flakes so far. I do not believe they made it to the ground, though.
Ooh, I finally did see the bacon and cheese roll, and HMOG.
I want to weave bacon. Nom nom nom.
We're having Snowpocalypse and eating Christmas cookies for breakfast.
Monique, that is toolish and asstastic.
I am doubtful of snow also. I fear messy slush. I have lunch plans for after karate tomorrow and if it is slushy I will not want to go. Unfortunately, I have no way to contact the person except facebook and we have no facebook access at work. poop.
Worse still, I had no internect connectivity on my computer last night. must call time warner and see what's up.
Kristen's Roommate, what's the title of the pop-up poop book?