That's too much homework. Emmett's homework load is literally about four times as much as mine was growing up, and started about four grades earlier.
And also the academic expectations and testing regimens are about 10x greater now.
I'm online trying to figure out how to buy tickets for the 2010 Olympics. For 3 days of tickets + hotel = $2800 per person. Um? Yikes.
Kat -- and that's with buying early, too. Is there any way you could volunteer, so that you'd have housing and enough free time to go see the event(s) you want the most? (Assuming this is the summer Olympics and you have the "free" time.)
Can a restaurant keep a customer's stuff against her will if she doesn't pay her bill?
Chicago cops apparently think, "Yes."
It's Wide World of Puppy Wrestling over at the webcam. When are they getting adopted, again?
I was just Skyping with a friend in Switzerland. Holy cow, that's fucking cool!
Happy Birthday, Emeline!!
Where are the 2010 Olympics? Are the plane tickets part of the expense? That sounds just insane.
Theo, it's Vancouver's winter Olympics. If I were Canadian, it would be easier to get tickets. Gr.
How sad is it that I was very proud of myself for actually sleeping in what felt like a lot, and then realized that it's still before 9:00 on a Sunday?
Not sad at all, Perkins. You could have sleep in what feeling like really little, and find out it's 10:00 on a Monday.
Kat, Maybe I can help. Do you know if tickets will be transferable? All I know it's a lottery for tickets here.
Happy Birthday Emmeline?