Oh, man, Barb, I think I went into a coma just reading that recipe.
Does the alcohol cook out completely, or does the pie still have a bit of kick when it's done? My grandfather's girlfriend used to make a vaguely similar-sounding chocolate mint cream deathbomb pie (with Oreo crust) that had a distinct creme de menthe buzz to it.
IOW, this pie sounds incredible but if I made it there'd be children eating it (hell, it's chocolate; we'd have to fight them off to get any) and I'm wary of proceeding with pie plannage unless I can feel reasonably certain of not creating wee drunkards.
I'm fairly certain most of the alcohol cooks off, leaving just behind the flavor, but if you're worried about it, use an extract or oil to punch up the flavor instead. I think I did that a few years ago-- used pure orange oil, along with the dark chocolate w/orange and it was NUMMY.
JZ, you can find N/A Creme de Menthe. However, my parents saw no problem with allowing me one piece of boozy cheesecake - I guess they figured that that little amount of alcohol was acceptable? (My mom's Grasshopper Cheesecake is the shiznit.)
I guess they figured that that little amount of alcohol was acceptable
And look how that turned out.
reads Barb's recipe
re-reads Barb's recipe
Oh look, I'm craving chocolate. The Chocolate Coma pie sounds gooooood.
Speaking of which, any one with a good stuffing recipe? Preferably one including sausage or other pork products.
We're making an oyster stuffing that includes bacon (I eat the half made without bacon).
My mom's cornbread dressing is very good.
1 pan of cornbread
4-5 slices of white bread
3 ribs of celery, sliced or diced
1 large onion, diced
4 eggs, slightly beaten
8 chicken boullion cubes dissolved in ~6C of water. Or ~6C of chicken stock
Crumble up the breads, add the celery and onion. Pour in the eggs and stir. Pour in the chick stock until it's the consistency of runny oatmeal. Add 1-2T of sage. My mom's direction: Add 1T of sage and taste. Keep adding a little bit at a time until it tastes like it needs just a bit more and stop. Sage gets stronger as it cooks.
Pour into a 9x13 pan. Bake at 375 for 30-40 min.
Can be made up ahead of time and cooked the day you need it. Exceptionally tasty with giblet gravy.
No pork, but you could easily add sausage to it.