Too bad Mediaeval Baebes is already taken for the singing group...
I had strange dreams last night. In one, I was trying to get files from Kathy A, but she was being evasive. Also, she was working in a dark room. It was better than the dream about the serial killer however...
Hee!! I think that's the first time I've ever been in anyone's dreams whom I wasn't related to! I'll state categorically that I would never be evasive with anyone here, and I've never even been in a darkroom (although it would be cool to experience).
Serial killer: I'll take the fifth on.
It wasn't a darkroom, it was just a darkened room. I couldn't actually see your face until I was up close because it was so dim in there. It just added to the weirdness of it all.
Your friends could go for the very obvious: Tres Feminae (or something like that. My Latin is very rusty.)
The pups are so big now!
I remember when that toy pumpkin just seemed to overwhelm them and now it looks much, much smaller.
Your friends could go for the very obvious: Tres Feminae (or something like that. My Latin is very rusty.)
I can't get Las Tres Hermanas out of my head! dork.
Psallite? Gaudete?
I'll pass on the suggestions! thanks!
I just suggested Luscinias
Another friend has suggested the Fo Sho Ho's which may be true but maybe could limit the venues where they will be welcome.
Thank you, now I am earwormed with some piece of church music I sang when I was 12. "Psallite, unigenito! Christo deo filio. Et cetera."
flea, if it makes you feel any better, I earwormed myself with the same piece. I just can't remember who composed it.
Michael Praetorius, according to the internet. [link] (scroll down). I actually remembered all the words, which is pretty good considering it was 25 years ago and in latin.