Ugh -- why do I always fuck up my manicures?? Three nails are really bad enough that I should take all the polish off, but it just feels like such a waste. And it's 70% OK!
Edit: Brainstorm -- maybe the drugstore by work has the color. (The one by my house doesn't....)
Roombas are good too. I'm just irritated because the undercarriage of mine was a little fragile, and the battery doesn't last the 2 advertised hours.
Reason 4,572 I hate living in Jax-- no farmer's market or even reasonable facsimile anywhere nearby.
Substitute 'Citrus County' for Jax and I feel your pain, Barb.
I broiled burgers and made guacamole for dinner.
We have some farms here that do winter gardening but the farmers' market ended at the end of October. We do have a co-op where we can get good local produce while it lasts.
I broke down and bought some Green Bags to try for produce. I'm getting a ShamWOW! next. I'm such a sucker for As Seen on TV.
Lord deliver me from the stupid. A writer's loop I'm on has erupted in this absolute whinefest over the rules prohibiting entry for e-pubbed and subsidy/vanity press books.
Essentially, that only actual, physical books that are mass-produced are eligible.
I get these authors' frustration-- I really do. I mean, they're recognized as published members by the organization, but they can't enter the most prestigious contest it has to offer. And I honestly think it's a rule that's going to have to change, given how many publishers are offering their books as e-publications. The lines are blurring.
However, that said, the time to bitch about it is not ONE WEEK BEFORE THE CONTEST DEADLINE.
Nor is a loop the place to do it. Jeez, what happened to writing letters to your representatives and the National Board members? These idiots are going on about how they'd like to see their concerns addressed before the deadline-- which is, again, in ONE WEEK.
The rules have been up since the change was made. The contest has been open for entry since the end of September.
And they're bitching about it now.
I have no sympathy.
However, I'm venting in here, instead of on the loop where I'm liable to call them something extremely unladylike.
< /end rant>
< maybe>
I think I led off with "please don't kill me." Before 8am ON SUNDAY is no time to be calling for favours. She didn't kill me, though.
Calls from the ER tend to mitigate what would otherwise be a problematic hour. I'd wait til after 10 if the call were to be picked up from a night of bar-hopping or the county lock-up, though.
I just sweep my kitchen floor. I'm so excited.
when I cook, food flies. Today is the first time in four years I got to sweep it up. Hee. no more carpet.
I did very little work today. A bit of housework and office work, but minimal compared to usual. GF made me go to the movies with her then we ate and drank some.
Secret Life of Bees
which was lovely. Theater was near empty for all films which was odd.
I am watching this stupid music award show. I love award shows, but this is lame. Old music. No one singing live. Almost no decent outfits. Lame. Calling it quits at this point.
Someone tell me I can't eat any more of the rolls I just took out of the oven. They're for Thursday. Even though they came out really tasty! They're like miniature baguettes, with only just enough crunch. Yum.
Mmmmmm, right out of the oven is the bestest time to eat them. But since I can't have any you should stop right now!