grab the cat - get down on the ground, hold the cat between my knees and force the mouth open with one hand . yeah, I sat on the cat.
This is what I have to do with Jeeves when I need to medicate him. Although in my case, it's more a case of sitting cross-legged with the cat in a sort of leg-lock.
Is my hand going over the top of his nose?
I have the palm of my hand on the top of his head, with my thumb and forefinger forming an arch that frames his eyes. His head is small enough that my thumb and finger can get into the jaw joint.
Man, I got some pretty severe beatings right up through my teenage years. Black eyes and fat lips and all.
But I don't think of myself as a kid who was physically abused at all. Happened to other kids in my neighborhood and seemed normal.
I'm hoping all the news is boring, msbelle.
Immobilizing Devi is damned near impossible. She's super flexible. MK has strong jaws, but luckily he is a food whore.
The puppies have a crate in their pen.
My mother punished me once by forbidding me to watch Star Trek.
Good lord. My dad just told me that he stumbled over Lucy in the dark the other night, stepped on her, lurched to the side, found she'd also lurched to that side, lather rinse repeat, and ended up falling and nearly staking himself on a wooden tv-table. An ex tv-table.
They're both okay, though he's a little banged up. Yeesh. Dogs iz also dangerous.
How's Lucy doing?
So I've been googling Bhutan and found a particularly eyebrow-raising chronicle of a religious ... ceremony: [link] UM.
People's running a Sexiest Vampire poll (highly incomplete, but still...)
Not surprisingly, Rob Pattinson's in the lead, but David B. is in second ahead of Brad and Tom and Wesley.
Go read about naked buddhist dancing the devil away.