I just spent two hours volunteering in Abby's classroom, sorting teeny tiny beads by color for their Thanksgiving craft project next week.
I suspect the colder temps around here have sucked the braynes out of everyone because OMG, they were just not firing on all synapses.
I am now partially blind and have a headache and I want something for lunch that someone else prepares and brings me. Preferably a cabana boy.
Whoa, the puppies' horizons have expanded since the last time I checked on them.
Dude. The giant hands just spoke!
I don't understand how someone could be in there with the puppies and not snorgle them.
From The Onion's AV Club: Why buy the cow? 27 popular websites that became books
I didn't know there was a Suck.com book! I effing loved that site.
What was he spraying on the puppies' pads?
What was he spraying on the puppies' pads?
It looked like Bitter Apple to me, to keep them from eating/tearing them up.
Yep, Bitter Apple -- instantly recognizable green and yellow bottle.
He showed it to the camera and talked about it too.