Oh Kat, that makes me feel sick to my stomach. He's a fucking creep.
Burrell, have you done a soap cap?
I have no idea what that is, so I'm saying nope. But I'll go google it straightaway.
I was in pain and vaguely comatose when I got home this afternoon. DH picked up cheap sushi and beer. Now I feel almost human.
Ass 'im in the ear, Kat! And I don't mean Stevens, either.
Puppy guy was just in there. WAKE UP PUPPIES!
Oh Kat, my brain cannot even go there because it's too horrible.
mac orders from Scholastic book orders, but none of the old classics. I will buy up some of those if I find them at yard sales though. I have an old Choose Your own Adventure for him in a few years and the non-teenage girl Judy Blumes and Harriet the Spy, which he may not read because she's a girl.
Hey, Allyson, I just sent my brother your latest Cocktail physics thing and he thought you very entertaining and accurate (for the record, if I ever introduced you two in person, I'd expect you might kill each other or my SIL would kill you. Which is a compliment. Really.)
Beverly and Matt - my thoughts with both of you and your familes.
The internet was down for a couple of minutes, and while I waited for it to come back up, I finally replaced the battery in my wall clock, dusted the TV, and cleaned the bathroom mirror.
Are there any good hairstyle websites that y'all go to when you're in need of a new 'do?
The internet was down for a couple of minutes, and while I waited for it to come back up, I finally replaced the battery in my wall clock, dusted the TV, and cleaned the bathroom mirror.
You know, if the internets went down for like 48 hours, we could probably take over the world. Assuming we weren't all curled up in our closets sobbing.
Are there any good hairstyle websites that y'all go to when you're in need of a new 'do?
I mostly use UK Hairdressers because it doesn't have tons of cruddy pop-ups, the style gallery is huge and actually stylish, you can search on particular styles, but it's also useful to search on Styles Like This, or Styles by this Salon and get a lot of interesting possibilities.