Also, can someone confirm for me that double the amount listed on the ibuprofin bottle for a day is actually OK?
Yes, you can take 800 mgs at a time. I've heard you're not supposed to exceed 1600 in a day, but other, more pharmaceutically aware people than I have scoffed at that limit.
Also a Great Brain fan. I particularly liked the last one when he went off to an academy and they had a key to a secret room.
A quick google has 3200 per day.
I swear, one of these days, I will work on my reading comprehension.
Thanks, you guys! Usually I can google for myself....
Also, can someone confirm for me that double the amount listed on the ibuprofin bottle for a day is actually OK?
Yes, you can take 800 mgs at a time. I've heard you're not supposed to exceed 1600 in a day, but other, more pharmaceutically aware people than I have scoffed at that limit.
You can take 800 mg every 4-6 hours. If you need to take that amount for longer than, say, a week, you should probably call your doctor/healer/shaman.
Yeah, that's about what I've been doing. I think I've taken 400 every 2-3 hours today. Go away, stupid headache!
I once had a doctor tell me I shouldn't drink within a week of taking ibuprofen. I laughed at that one. Not to his face, but later, while I was drinking.
That's bananas. Even the pill bottle says no more than three drinks per day!
Also, can someone confirm for me that double the amount listed on the ibuprofin bottle for a day is actually OK?
As others have said, that should be safe. It's acetaminophen that you really have to be careful not to take too much of. People tend to think that because doctors prescribe it frequently (due to the lack of queasiness side effects or allergic reactions) that it can be downed like Tic Tacs, but the overdose risk is a lot worse than other over-the-counter painkillers.