I think maybe in Florence, where a convent from the middle ages had this sort of door built into the side of it, where poor women who'd given birth out of wedlock could leave their babies, and the nuns would take care of them.
There was also that convent in M*A*S*H.
I have had salad with roast brussel sprouts and garlic-and-pepper chicken. Yum.
How can I get Michelle Obama's eyebrows?
I sympathise, but I think you've missed your window now she has the Secret Service protecting her.
I keep going to the grocery store and not buying brussels sprouts! Why!??!
Because Brussel Sprouts are the vegetable of the evil?
eta xpost!
Noah and my mom videochatted. In the 7 minutes they were online together, she taught him to blow kisses and almost to say a noah-version of grandma. I'm curious what he will be like after 3 weeks with her at christmas (she and my dad are coming out here).
I get my eyebrows waxed. My skin is way too sensitive for plucking -- I end up with a face full of broken blood vessels.
You people are crazy. They are delicious!
Oh good, I don't have to fear brussel spouts in a week.
If we could get my parents on videochat... I think my mother would be in heaven.
Virtual Keyboard: [link]
Can't decide if it fills me with love or hate! I always wanted a casio electric keyboard. And yet, I already have enough bizarrely atonal electronic music playing from children's toys.