That's me you're talking about. But not the Lean Cuisine psuedomeals (from now on they should be called shmeals). My snack tend to be a a hard boiled egg with mustard and bacon salt. Or a packet of string cheese.
I hope I didn't come across as thinking there is anything wrong with those people, just that I am not one of them.
Your disdain is evident, Jesse. Don't try and play it off now.
And remember, those kinds of emails are just to winnow the ones who will fall for a harmless-seeming query -- call it one in a thousand, but if you send out a million emails, you've got a likely pool to take it to the next level with.
I am not a stand still and just wait person - not unless I am reading.
Me either, twinsie, me either.
I'm a hater harshing your rubbernecking squee, oh yeah.
I can't wait to get out of here. These people are cracked. Plus I've had the dubious pleasure of some dire warnings proving true, even though they'd insisted it couldn't happen. WELL IT DOES! I WAS RIGHT!
....and it leaves me with quite a tangle to sort out.
I'm a hater harshing your rubbernecking squee, oh yeah.
Soon to be the next hit single from Fall Out Boy.
Anyone else picturing sarameg in the rubble of a lab, cackling maniacally? Just me, then?
Hey bon, are you and bob bob up for dinner next week some time?
Mos def, any night but Tuesday!