When I was in college, our beer of choice was Abita. Preferably Purple Haze. (OK, I was the only one who liked the Purple Haze. Everyone else liked the boring varieties. But Purple Haze rocked!)
I had completely forgotten about Homefront. I used to love that show. They really should put it out on DVD or something.
Um, you remember I had to be force fed a Twinkie in college because I had never had one as a kid right?
That is PRECISELY the reference I was going for.
Now grab funnel and get your sweet ass over here...
Wow. GA is starting off gross today.
Oooh! Bitches and Natter have the same count.
Two of the puppies are completely under their bed pad.
Even cute when you can't see them.
One of my photos from Hawaii got used in Schmap's travel guide.
I want to go to Hawaii.
Actually, right now, I just want to go anywhere I don't have to deal with most people (i.e. family).
hey Cashmere - tell me more about Schmap's?
Schmap's a user-friendly online travel guide. Looks like they've made it super friendly for mobile phones--iphone, especially. Maps, photos and infor. Perhaps I should do a little post for TwC on it? I'll email my contact and see if I can get some more inside info.
oh please yes. that would be ... fantabulous.