In happier news, Obama is a Wire fan. OMG!!!!1!
And he collects Spider-man comics.
Also from that article:
His favourite book is Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
I guess I can forgive him this. (Maybe.)
His favourite music includes Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach and The Fugees
Okay, the big fucking whale book is forgiven.
He doesn't drink coffee and rarely drinks alcohol
And again, my loyalty is called into question. NO COFFEE? That's just wack. Maybe he's a robot.
As a teenager he took drugs including marijuana and cocaine
I love how, post-"I didn't inhale" and post-W. (who snorted anything remotely white and powdery), drugs aren't even an issue anymore.
He uses an Apple Mac laptop
Okay, all is forgiven. I LOVE YOU OBAMA!!!
WRT Becker, I actually think I may be a victim of the complexion thing Ouise mentioned. He seems like he ought to be a redhead! But maybe he actually isn't.
I've been asked to track when some people in my department take coffee breaks.
ION - I am with sara on the blown 2008 budget. But more recently I've just not been managing the money well. I need to put in a load of reimbursables, but my paperwork is a mess right now. I guess that should be my project tonight while I have the helper.
drugs aren't even an issue anymore
I was also surprised when I saw that and realized that at no time in the election was it brought up. Made me wonder what McCain was hiding that they just didn't want to go there.
I think Becker is a strawberry blonde.
I just bought my husband a $550 camera as a 40th birthday present. I am torn between "Wow! I am a nice wife!" and "Damn! That was expensive!"
flea, I'd say both. Emphatically.
I snagged a copy of Death From The Skies off the free table and found out that our audiobooks guy was one of the original editors on Bad Astronomy (the book). I think Phil Plait is the Harvey Keitel of nerds.
Allyson, that was a lovely post and the comments support you (not even lurkers! and they support you!).
Me either! Coffee is gross! Me + Obama - coffee 4evah!