But, that's the way it works: even if you're an individual, you're still part of an organization. You can't really seperate, so either you boycott or not.
No, there is still a difference. For example people being boycotted are informed in letters and emails, and this often leads to conversation. You can still talk. (Though at the point the Israeli person may be hurt enough not to want to talk, which is only one of the reasons why a boycott is a bad idea.) And there while Israli's may not be allowed to be on boards and so forth, they are not cut out from subscriptions to journals. And boycotters don't stop citing Israeli publications. Again this is not intended as defense of the boycott. And yes the distinctions are arbitrary. But I'm not defending the boycott. I'm just pointing the distinctions made by people calling for it. That the distinction exists does not mean it is being honored. So again, please point me to specifics where people are being refused access to an individual paper (as opposed to a research library). Or where boycotters refuse to correspond with Israelis. Because that is not how those calling for a boycott present it publicly, and if they are behaving differently in reality they should be called on it. Overall I don't think an academic boycott is gaining much traction in the U.S. in any case. But if you can give specific examples of the last two, that will be another blow against it.
aww man. We've had so much cell phone use in front of the guests at work we instituted a final warnining if anyone is seen using their cell on the floor. I just caught someone and she said she wasn't texting, just putting her phone unser the counter because it was bugging her in her pocket. I really didn't want to issue her a final warning. I hate being that guy. So I checked the camera to make she she was telling the truth. She was totally texting all morning. blech.
I just purchased the entire soundtrack to Shag: The Movie just so I could have "Our Day Will Come" as recorded by k.d. lang, the Reclines and Take 6.
I R Sucker.
Laga, that sucks. Sucks more that she's too clueless to even lie effectively.
It's easy to forget the cameras are there. Just two days ago I realized I was picking my thong out of my butt crack right in front of one. The problem is that this lie has taken her offense from a final warning to possible termination and unfortunately this person has expressed to other managers that I "have it in for her" so it really sucks that I'm the one who caught her.
Yeah, but if you have the camera as evidence... not much she can do about it then, if she flat out lied to your face.
yup, she's nailed for sure. I just wish it weren't so. All we're trying to do is get these kids to put their cell phones away when they're on the clock and she ends up possibly getting fired. I feel sorry for her.
I feel sorry for her.
Don't. This is an important lesson to learn now.
Hate to say it , but I don't feel sorry for her. Somewhere along the way she has to learn that the rules are there for some reason. I just feel bad for anyone else that has to enforce it.
Hey, Lewis just had to keep two of his senior game advisors (just below asst. manager) off the schedule for the next week because they're not pulling their weight. He was off for two days this week and the store was in such disastrous shape and so much hadn't gotten done, that he had to wind up staying late the next two days, just to try to catch up. And it's not as if they were busy, since they had no reservations, no subscriptions, and little in the way of sales.
He's tired of talking to a wall, so knocked them off the schedule and told them to come talk to him privately during the week. And as a result, he has to work every day and his asst. manager six days out of seven to make up the difference.
To say he's not happy would be putting it mildly. But he's the boss. He's hoping it gets through to them because seriously, he's got to be able to trust them when he's not there.