Hey, Lewis just had to keep two of his senior game advisors (just below asst. manager) off the schedule for the next week because they're not pulling their weight. He was off for two days this week and the store was in such disastrous shape and so much hadn't gotten done, that he had to wind up staying late the next two days, just to try to catch up. And it's not as if they were busy, since they had no reservations, no subscriptions, and little in the way of sales.
He's tired of talking to a wall, so knocked them off the schedule and told them to come talk to him privately during the week. And as a result, he has to work every day and his asst. manager six days out of seven to make up the difference.
To say he's not happy would be putting it mildly. But he's the boss. He's hoping it gets through to them because seriously, he's got to be able to trust them when he's not there.