Thanks for your thoughts, everyone. I'm even less annoyed this morning, so it's all good. Also, I'm sick, which may help explain the shorter fuse last night (I hab a code.)
Hope you get some good sleep, ND.
Oh, Calli. So much ~ma.
And health~ma to Barb!
If one of my cats had peanut butter on it, I'm certain that one of the dogs would eat the cat.
I think Toto would too, which is saying something since he typically gives cats the respect they so rightly deserve! But he loves peanut butter that much!
So, my paycheck didn't post today as schedule. I suspected this would happen, as my time sheet was still in my box last night. There was a snow day on Wednesday, so I'm trying to be understanding, but damn. I need that money for rent, which is due on Sunday. Grrr.
I'm trying to decide if a guest's cell phone ring tone is a duck call (which they're ignoring) or if he/she is walking around the lobby making duck noises.
Cell phones: continuing to make it harder to spot the crazy people.
The dog shows absolutely no interest in peanut butter. I finally gave away some peanut-butter-flavored treats, because I already have enough rejection in my life. Sometimes he'd take the treat and then drop it in front of me; other times he'd just roll his eyes and walk away.
I hope your dad gets better soon, Calli. Barb, have a great biopsy. (That sounded funny in my head. Need more coffee.)
Good luck on getting the tour, O_A. Be a squeaky wheel.
Coming in late on both discussions, but that never stopped me.
In "What is wrong with my students?" news: Today, we were doing an in-class activity. The class split up into groups, and I gave each group a formula to prove, with instructions that they should pick one group member to write up their proof and one to present it to the class. One student immediately took out his laptop and looked up the proof online.
This made me giggle. Because on the one hand, good use of resources, thinking outside the box, etc. On the other, totally missing the freaking point.
And vw, I get your annoyance and would no doubt feel the same way, but I also recognize that old refrain from dating magic (and other) geeks. I once came home from a graveyard shift to find the midwestern ex and two friends still playing the same game they had been when I left at 9 the night before. I got a little annoyed and went to bed. Got up at three PM, and they were still playing.
It makes it no less unjust and annoying, of course. But I don't think it has anything to do with you.
(These opinions are based solely on the contents of my head, and may have little or no relation at all to your experience, or indeed reality.)
Medical~ma for Barb.
White House Tour~ma for omnis.
Teh gronk, she is mighty.
Girly parts ~ma, Barb.
White House tour ~ma, omnis. I will be around when you are in DC, but approaching 6 months pregnant, so not very much fun.
::narrows eyes at Sparky::
(joins Amy in the narrow-eyed glare)
~ma for Barb's ladybits
omnis, some of the museums are open in the evenings ... Thursdays, I believe. Don't know about the White House tours - the past eight years it's been pretty much off-limits to the hoi polloi (marginally more accessible than Cheney's bunker). So you might make it. If not, there are other places to see - Congress (really - it's a beautiful building), the Library of Congress, etc.
And if you're right on the Metro, transit is actually fairly easy. You might also consider one of the bus/trolley tours where you can hop off and hop back on.